19 March 2012

Grocery Girl Glamour

Being a chic and eco-friendly shopper is not only about the products we buy; it's also about how we buy them.  Often in our attempts to be conscious shoppers, we think about what we're putting in our bags but forget about the bags themselves. Effortless style and eco friendliness are in the bag, if you know where to look, and a new place that I've been looking is Sacs of Life.  Sacs of Life offers re-usable bags that range from stylish grocery carriers to multi-purpose shopping bags with multiple pockets and features for increased convenience. All of the bags are PVC free which makes them safer to recycle than regular plastic grocery bags, as well as safe to carry food in. 

Carrying a re-usable bag means keeping plastic grocery bags out of landfills, and one that is this stylish is definitely a win.  The company also offers wine bags, duffel bags, and other stylish products made out of eco conscious materials.

 Sacs of Life© Wine Bag

Sacs of Life© Insulator 3

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