Packing for a light getaway?
I go by the rule of 8 – eight lucky wardrobe pieces get to travel with
me and I always leave extra room in my travel case just in case I adopt a new
addition en route.
Two dresses, two skirts, one pair jeans, one sweater, one lace
camisole, one jacket are the standard selections for a trip lasting one week or
longer. Funny thing is that if I pack
more, I usually stick to the core eight essentials anyway. Shoes and accessories are of course a must
addition, and I do not go by the comfort comes first rule as let’s face it, the
trimmings make the outfit.
Many recommend rolling instead of folding. I really feel it depends on the garment. I still like hanger bags as they make
unpacking quick and easy, but must admit to rolling, folding, stuffing and even
layering and wearing to make the carry on work for the return tour.
If you watched the dapper George Clooney in “Up in the Air”,
or William Hurt in “The Accidental Traveler” you witnessed mastery at the art
of packing the rolling carry on bag. For every pound of weight shed from a plane,
14,000 gallons of fuel are spared per year.
Heyes EcoCase |
I like to start with a “right sized” bag as the bigger the
bag the more stuff manage to port along with me.
The sleek EcoCase by Heyes 3 Piece Set comes in plenty of color
options and is made from 100% recycled plastic. More rugged eco-friendly bags include Sativa Bags , made of organically grown
hemp/cotton and Ecolution , offering
a roomy hemp duffel.
Trunk-style suitcases swathed in luxury leather, cavernous
doctor’s bags and military canvas are just some of the styles available as vintage
finds and retro repros.
Technological advancements may have brought us super lightweight cases,
durable wheels, and even electric suitcases, but the lure of a stylish vintage
case is pure magic.
Dunhill's Bladon Bag |
Dunhill’s vintage Bladon bag takes its name from the
English village where Winston Churchill is buried – he was a loyal customer of
the brand. The company is debuting a new line of gentleman’s heirloom luggage
dubbed the Bladon Leather collection. With a nod to history.
Globe-Trotter "Candy" Limited Edition |
The company is not the only baggage manufacturer to look back for
has collaborated with Hackett on retro repros including the limited edition “Candy.”
This hot pink sweetie is super eye-catching
with delicious burgundy leather trim and lining.
The only question I have now is will it fit in the overhead bin?